Sunday, February 19, 2012

The ever popular Facebook

To me popular culture is something that is made to suite the general public. It is typically something that the “cool kids” are wanting or using. Popular culture can be anything from an article of clothing to a book or a television show or even popular social networking websites such as Facebook. Popular culture expands beyond things that are considered popular today to folk culture and common culture. Popular culture typically changes with the different generations and what those generations consider to be the most fashionable or the best selling items. This is why it is important for those that are in a business environment to understand what popular culture is and how it affects their business. If a business doesn't grow and adapt with “hot” trends, they will be less likely to survive. A business that is in touch with the latest trends will be able to change and adapt their products to meet the demands of the public which will increase their profits and help their business grow. I think a good example of popular culture is the social media website, Facebook. Facebook is not only a great example of popular culture, but is a great way for businesses to see what the public likes and doesn't like. It can help businesses stay one step ahead of its competition by using the site to sample new products or services to see how the public responds to it. It will also allow businesses to see what the public is talking about and what will be considered the “next big thing.” Another bonus is that Facebook allows a business to receive free advertising through friends sharing about products or services with other friends who will pass on the information. A lot of companies have their own Facebook accounts and advertise on the site offering special promotions and offers that someone wouldn't receive just going to that store. It is beneficial in many ways and is definitely worth a second look.


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